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"I just finished reading the section about Kundalini Yoga featuring you in the book, Yoga As Medicine. What great work you do and how wonderful to see you in this book. I know you are a great teacher and now others will see it also!"

– Catherine, Bozeman, MT

Shopping: Books: Shakti Parwha Kaur

Marriage: On the Spiritual Path

Shakti Parwha has put together a “must read” manual for singles and couples. Here’s a practical guide to understanding and achieving a successful spiritual marriage while keeping up with the demands of daily living in the 21st Century.

Marriage has not been understood by the Western world at all. It was understood by the Eastern world but is forgotten there too. So at this time, the institution of marriage is in total limbo.


"Marriage on the Spiritual Path is recommended for everyone who is looking for not only an entertaining read but also down to earth insights on a most Holy Path." - Kathe Forrest

"I wholeheartedly recommend this easy-to-read, enlightening, fun, and uplifting treasure to everyone, whether married 30 years, engaged, or still dreaming of your prince/princess charming!" - Siri Ved Kaur Khalsa

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Kundalini Yoga: The Flow of Eternal Power
The Flow of Eternal Power

Taught for thousands of years--and revealed to the West in recent decades by the master Yogi Bhajan--Kundalini Yoga is suprisingly simple to learn. And practiced regularly, it can strengthen the nervous system, balance the glandular system, and harness the energy of the mind and emotion as well as the body. While general yoga technique focuses on exercise postures and breathing, Kundalini takes yoga concepts a step further by integrating them into everyday life activities. This definitive guide, fully illustrated with photographs, is an accessible introduction to this ancient practice, with information on poses and positions, diet and lifestyle, breathing and stretching techniques, chanting and meditation exercises, and general guidelines that can help anyone--beginner or advanced--gain the greatest benefit from yogic practice.

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Kundalini Postures And Poetry
by Shakti Parwha Kaur Khalsa (view all books by author)

A handbook of classic yoga poses illustrated with vintage photos of the Master, Yogi Bhajan, Ph.D. This book is the companion volume to "Kundalini Yoga: The Flow of Eternal Power."

Kundalini Postures and Poetry takes an unusual approach—using poetry to describe what these traditional yoga postures can do for you. Included in this unique “rhyming photo album” are simple instructions for everything from meditation to chanting to breathing, plus sets of Kundalini Yoga as taught by the Master, Yogi Bhajan, himself. Kundalini Yoga can help you handle stress, improve health, overcome depression, increase energy, add enjoyment to life, enhance overall well-being, and accelerate your journey of self-discovery.

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