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"I just finished reading the section about Kundalini Yoga featuring your work with people with HIV in the book, Yoga As Medicine. What great work you do and how wonderful to see you in this book. I know you are a great teacher and now others will see it also!"

– L.R., Baltimore, MD

Meditation for Release of Cold Depression

Posture: Sit in easy pose with a straight spine. Interlace your fingers so that the finger tips press into the cavities between the fingers on the back of each hand. The index fingers are straight up, pressed together along their length. Thumbs cross each other comfortably. Hands are held at chest level.

Focus: Eyes are open, focused at the tip of the nose.

Mantra: Chant Wahe Guru, Wahe Guru, Wahe Guru, Wahe Jio* from your navel point, creating a mental focus in this way. At the sound of Wha focus at the navel point; Hey focus at the chest; Gu (as in "good") - roo (as in "true") focus at the lips. Follow the same sequence and rhythm for Wahe Jio ("ji" as in "gee;" "o" as in "go").

Time: Continue for 3 minutes building up to 31 minutes.

End: Inhale and hold. Listen to the sound of the mantra. Exhale. Inhale, hold and give back all the cold depression to God. Exhale. Inhale, hold, and feel the preciousness of life. Let it go through your exhalation. Relax.

From a lecture by Yogi Bhajan, October 17, 2000

*This mantra can be found on the Raga Sadhana tape by Sangeet Kaur available from our online store.