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"After the first Kundalini Yoga for Living With Diabetes class my blood glucose went from 120 down to 86! The amazing thing is, each night it has stayed in the 85-87 range. After the first class I showed this result. I am impressed with what a little yoga and meditation can do."

– M.J.K., Espanola, NM


The success of any non-profit rests with the community of volunteers and contributors who share the vision and the mission that form the base and core of the organization. In this regard, the Guru Ram Das Center for Medicine & Humanology is truly wealthy.

How Easy It Is To Give

by Joan Stockman, Guru Ram Das Center volunteer

Last week I was listening to public radio. A man was speaking of his fantasies about philanthropy versus the reality of what it has become for him. This man, like myself, had visions of hitting the lottery and using the money for charitable giving. He thought he needed millions to make a difference. I figured, what with inflation and all, billions are more like it. A million dollars just doesn’t go as far as it used to.

But, instead of waiting for that winning ticket, this man decided to commit $400 a month (approximately 10% of his income) to philanthropy. And he discovered that it is often the lesser amounts that made a significant difference in people's lives. This radio program got me to thinking about several organizations whose mission I believe in and whose work I want to support. I’m sure that any of them would be thrilled with a great, big, juicy donation. But what about the $26 or $54 or an occasional $108 that I would be able to send?

Well, first of all I have never heard of an organization saying anything but “thank you” to a gift. I have worked at a variety of not-for-profits and we always appreciated the large donations that came in. But the smaller gifts were much more frequent and they sustained us.

Secondly, a donation of any size helps. For example, a contribution to the Guru Ram Das Center for Medicine & Humanology for as little as $10.00 can provide a place in a Health Recovery class for one person. A contribution of $26.00 can further the professional training program. And a contribution of $54.00 or more, expands the research efforts.

If you are looking for a little more bang for your buck, involve your child or children in the process. Ask them what is important to them. Find out what moves them or stirs their soul. Take turns choosing where your donation will go. If they want to, have them contribute what they can.

There are also effortless (and free) ways to contribute. Have you ever used the websites that make a donation to your chosen cause with each purchase you make? and are two examples of the vendors or services that can help you give without it costing anything.

Another way to give is as a gift (either received or given). Although I always enjoy receiving gifts, the last thing I need is more stuff to squeeze into my little home. For Christmas last year my sister sent a donation to the Guru Ram Das Center for Medicine & Humanology in my name. I loved it!

We know that giving is what allows more room for the universe to give back. I still have fantasies of what I would do if I won the Lotto. (Although I don’t even play. I guess that’s part of what makes it a fantasy!). But I’m realizing that I can make a difference today. So as this message goes out to you, I am licking an envelope with my precious $26 in it. Also enclosed will be my gratitude and blessings to these wonderful people whose work so moves and inspires me.

Go to the Donate Page to find out more about how you can give to the Guru Ram Das Center.