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"Thank you for teaching me your secret for helping clients practice at home!"

– S.G., Mendocino, CA

Immune Fitness - Teaching Kundalini Yoga to People Living With HIV

This month, June 2011, marks the 30th anniversary of the first official medical reporting of AIDS. Dr. Michael Gottlieb together with Dr. Joel Weisman wrote a report that appeared in the June 5, 1981 issue of the Centers for Disease Control's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report identifying Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome as a new disease. That report signaled the official start of the AIDS epidemic.

Under the guidance of Yogi Bhajan, I started the first Kundalini Yoga classes for people living with HIV in 1986.  The health and fitness industry was booming; Jane Fonda’s Workout studio was just up the street from Guru Ram Das Ashram in Los Angeles. From the beginning we wanted an upbeat feel to the HIV yoga classes so we called the 6-week course “Immune Fitness.” The name and the program really caught on.

Doctor Gottlieb at UCLA Medical Center and Doctor Weisman in Sherman Oaks, CA, were among the first AIDS medical specialists in the world.  They sent many of their HIV positive patients to our Immune Fitness classes.  There were few medical options at the time and the doctors noticed that their patients who practiced Kundalini Yoga did better. Word got around and the classes grew.

By 1990 there were a handful of Kundalini Yogis serving in this area. Siri Sat Nam Singh and I taught in Los Angeles and Dharamatma Kaur taught at a clinic in Washington, DC. Guru Dev Singh initiated a specific Sat Nam Rasayan protocol he taught to his students who then formed a free clinic in Los Angeles for people with HIV. From 1986--the year azidothymidine (AZT), the first medical treatment for HIV was in clinical trials--through 1996 when the base for the current day drug “cocktail” (now called HAART, Highly Active Anti Retroviral Treatment) was launched as standard treatment, we were actively reaching and teaching Kundalini Yoga to over 9,000 people living with HIV.
The students found that practicing specific techniques of Kundalini Yoga helped to relieve side effects of medical treatment, reduce symptoms, increase recovery & survival rates and improve their quality of life. Kundalini Yoga helped them to get and stay well.

Though much has changed in the years since, the number of people living with HIV continues to grow. If you are a Kundalini Yoga teacher and want to expand your teaching to people living with HIV, join us in Espanola, New Mexico August 5-7, 2011, for this essential and transformational training, IMMUNE FITNESS: Teaching Kundalini Yoga To People Living With HIV.

Following are some testimonials from participants of previous similar courses:

“In 1993 I tested HIV positive and was diagnosed with AIDS a year later. Like many in my situation, I was told my life would end within two years. Though I started as a hopeless case, I survived! The whole experience changed my life and the way I look upon it. Now I am in good health. The practice of Kundalini Yoga and meditation has improved my immune system 200%.  Thank you!” H.R., Belgium

“Thank you for the amazing professional training course you offered. Both the content of the course and your words of encouragement were helpful. I've have already taught some of the information you shared to my HIV positive group and have noticed a shift in their breath quality and state of mind.  As you suggested, I have incorporated several short, deep relaxations during the class and I have notice how helpful this is to their well-being. They have given me great feedback about the changes in my teaching. Thank you again. May the work that you do reach all those in need.” MC, New York City

“I just finished reading the section about Kundalini Yoga featuring your work with people with HIV in the book, Yoga As Medicine. What great work you do and how wonderful to see you in this book. I know you are a great teacher and now others will see it also!” L.R., Baltimore

“This course is so freaking inspiring!!!! Thank you for rocking my teaching and my life.” B.L., New York City