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"Thank you so much for a completely transformational and inspiring experience in the training. There has been such a profound shift from deep within as a result. The moment I received the email announcing your course, I knew I was being called (to what, I wasn't sure). My teaching is now more compassionate and specific to the needs of my students. Thank you."

– W.H., Los Angeles, CA

About Us: Testimonials

Here are just a few of the wonderful testimonials we have received from people who have been helped through Kundalini Yoga and Meditation. We invite you to submit your own testimonial by clicking here.

"Living with diabetes can have its ups and downs. Thanks to the Kundalini Yoga for Living With Diabetes classes I feel better than I have in years."
— K.J., Albuquerque, NM

"Your chapter in the book, Kundalini Rising, on ‘Healing Through the 3 Channels’ was so impactful in my understanding of the role of kundalini energy and prana on health recovery. I had no idea how this worked and your clear, simple explanations make sense to me. Wow."
— P.V., Little Rock, AR

"After the first Kundalini Yoga for Living With Diabetes class my blood glucose went from 120 down to 86! The amazing thing is, each night it has stayed in the 85-87 range. After the first class I showed this result. I am impressed with what a little yoga and meditation can do."
— M.J.K., Espanola, NM

"This is to thank you for the Applied Psychology of Death and Dying course. I used what we learned about death and dying every day during a recent family crisis. The concrete practices you shared were incredibly helpful. Just having a toolbox made all the difference. The transformation of my own feelings/beliefs about dying was equally important, as it allowed me to be more present with (and deeply curious about) my ill family member’s experience and less preoccupied with my own reactions. Thank you."
— J.K., Madison, WI

"The starting point for someone who is ill is very different than for someone who is well. You taught me this and now I understand it. As a teacher, we need to meet the student exactly where they are if we are going to help them."
— M.T., Munich

"Who knows about depression, anxiety and self-abuse? I do. And now The information you shared with us really opened me to a new dimension in myself. Thank you for sharing your experience."
— H.K., Goteborg, Sweden

"Thank you for lifting us, inspiring us, coaching and mentoring us as teachers to people with health conditions. Bringing Kundalini Yoga into health care has become my personal mission. Thank you for awakening this in me."
— H.N., Stockholm

"Thank you for teaching me your secret for helping clients practice at home!"
— S.G., Mendocino, CA

"People are really missing out when they don’t come to these health recovery classes. They are transformational, applicable and really helpful."
— E.H., Los Alamos, NM

"Recently the date was set for surgery to remove my left breast. I asked the doctors to check the cells and the tests showed that I am completely healthy. There is no evidence of cancer. So the surgery was cancelled. The practice of Kundalini Yoga and the meditations really made a difference."
— G.M., Stockholm

"After the surgery, my doctor told me that the tumor was benign. I am very grateful. They had to do a more invasive surgery to get at the growth so the recovery is going to be longer. This has been a very humbling experience. I have to tell you that the meditation you gave me really worked. They did not have to give me any medicine before they took me back for surgery."
— P.T., Ann Arbor, MI

"Over the past year, I have almost complete healing; 85 percent of my strength is back. I have a regular but short meditation practice and am getting motivated to do some yoga. Thank you for your help. The yoga and meditation have brought big improvement. Blessings and Sat Nam."
— S.E., New Hampshire

"In 1993 I tested HIV positive and was diagnosed with AIDS a year later. Like many in my situation, I was told my life would end within two years. Though I started as a hopeless case, I survived! The whole experience changed my life and the way I look upon it. Now I am in good health. The practice of Kundalini Yoga and meditation has improved my immune system 200%. Thank you!"
— H.R., Belgium

"Your encouragement and skill in working with me set my healing in motion with effortless grace. Thank you."
— C.J., San Leandro, CA

"I just finished reading the section about Kundalini Yoga featuring your work with people with HIV in the book, Yoga As Medicine. What great work you do and how wonderful to see you in this book. I know you are a great teacher and now others will see it also!"
— L.R., Baltimore, MD

"You're an amazing soul and teacher, and I'm blessed to have you in my life."
— M.M., Singapore

"I am so grateful for all of your support during this difficult, challenging and life changing time in my life. When you came to the hospital to see me it truly began the healing process for my family and me. You do great work and I really appreciate the personal care you provided."
— S.S., Las Cruces, NM

"It is just amazing how effective the breath meditations are for people with anxiety, stress and panic disorder. In my professional practice I see people for only half an hour, yet the meditations are working extremely well. In addition, the success of instructing meditation to my clients has opened many doors for me professionally."
— G.S., Berkeley, CA

"I have had diabetes for 37 years. In that time I had become accustomed to my blood glucose levels daily rising and falling in spikes. Now the levels are stable, rarely wavering. Even my doctor has noticed. Since steadiness in my glucose levels started after my first class, I don’t miss a single session!"
— C.P., Santa Fe, NM

"I did a Google search and found the center's website. Very impressive! I really like all of the articles and how much information you are putting right there for anyone to absorb. I have started referring my patients to check out your website."
— S.K., Pasadena, CA

"I feel so blessed to be receiving guidance from you and the other teachers who studied directly with Yogi Bhajan. It is so important to me to keep the teachings pure and hearing your advice on how to do that is invaluable. It is very empowering to now trust my intuition as a teacher regarding my new relationship to yoga therapy. Thank you."
— A.K., Newton, MA

"Thank you for a challenging and rewarding 4 days of training. I'm so glad you are sharing your experience and knowledge in this way."
— D.C., Philadelphia, PA

"This course is so freaking inspiring!!!! Thank you for rocking my teaching and my life."
— B.L., New York City

"Thank you so much for a completely transformational and inspiring experience in the training. There has been such a profound shift from deep within as a result. The moment I received the email announcing your course, I knew I was being called (to what, I wasn't sure). My teaching is now more compassionate and specific to the needs of my students. Thank you."
— W.H., Los Angeles, CA

"Two of my patients and their kids attended your wonderful Kundalini Yoga and movement class for persons with Diabetes in Los Alamos and had the highest praise for the experience. What a gift! Thank you for offering this especially to my population that cannot often afford such a program."
— Dr. Sue